My New Year Goal: A.R.R - Approachable, Responsive, Responsible

I still believe God has brought me back to Hong Kong for a reason. I never dig deep to ask God WHY, but somehow I think He has put the answer in my heart. And it's the six-letter-word, P-E-O-P-L-E.

People around me and people whom I love. People I know and people I yet to know. Ever since I came back, I can feel their weight grows, for some physically too maybe haha, but for all, yes their weight grows - in my life. I may not call them up, I may not date them out, I may not even reply messages, or put things in words but when I think about a person, I make a little prayer and thank God for bringing them into my life. But now something started to change.  I feel like God is trying to move that part of me, to put love in actions. Now when I think about a friend, what I want to do is to GO TO THEM.

It's hard. It really is. Especially when living in a city like Hong Kong. There's something that everyone's short of, called T-I-M-E. I need no movie, need no sing k, shops or alcohol. I just want to sit down and listen to how everyone has been doing, what's going on in their lives. Coz for the past 4 years, guess I have never been able to do this. But time is one buzzy bossy old dude, which never works well with me. To make it worse, I always have problems with 'Scheduling'. Like this wednesday, Day after tomorrow, New Year's Eve and Feb 2, okay 4 unique days. And BANG, crash.

Tons of plans, little time. What one wants to do and what one could do never makes an equal sign. Work getting hard, life getting tough, plans not working through, but I'm getting there. Not surrendering yet. Still want to break the ice, and invade comfort zones. Hong Kong people needs more intimacy, and some real fellowships.  

So help me keep the heart, and bring it on.


Whitney said...

I've been feeling a lot of what you've been feeling, too.
I feel like God is calling me to serve and develop relationships with the people around me, but there's never enough time! Things like schoolwork, work, and other obligations always get in the way.
Anyways, I'll be praying for you!

s.hirles said...

'Hong Kong people needs more intimacy, and some real fellowships.' Agree! And I can see that God is working in people's hearts in a way that many people are ready for some deep and real conversations now! Add oil Sheung!

Mandy Chan said...

Venora, I completely feel you on this topic. Thanks for the reminder about the importance of people and relationships.

Venora said...

Thanks for the readership and agreement. Just an add-on, you girls are one of the peoplesss that I would love to spend more time with!

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