From 2009 to 2010

2009, I walked in FEAR.

The fear is called "what if I was wrong". Satan did a great job in mocking because it seemed to me that I was trying to seek God's heart before making any decisions. I needed God to show me and confirm to me that this this this is what He's prepared for me. But the fact was that I didn't have FAITH. I couldn't do anything unless I could "see" what's going to happen.

I couldn't pray for Uncle Fat's healing because I couldn't "see" that he could be healed.
I had a hard time holding onto God's promise because it seemed unlikely to be fulfilled.
I was reluctant to work on job hunting because I didn't "hear" Him tell me which way to go.

So so so so so so stupid. Fear, so deeply rooted and darkly hidden.
Not until LOVE breaks in. Not until LIGHT shines through.

2010, let me walk in FAITH.

"Be confident in what you are doing. It's okay to be wrong. Behold on your belief and STAND. Nobody knows what worship really is. The real worship is in your heart, and only God can see it. " - Pastor Laszlo


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